星期六, 4月 07, 2012

2012 tokyo trip

that's 28 points i made after my 28th bday trip to tokyo:

  1.  even u're poor, u can still live with dignity in tokyo
  2. 無敵家 is too oily to me
  3. 淳久堂 @ ikebukuro is real nice
  4. g.u. RULEZ
  5. group sound (G.S.) never dies
  6. pinky violence never dies
  7. book off can get u anything, if not, u still got mode off
  8. shibuya is such a trendy place but sometimes too much oversea ppl lol
  9. dmr shibuya is not that much as i expected
  10. 代官山 tsutaya is so-so actually; i prefer 淳久堂 @ ikebukuro
  11. maybe it's not the rite time as we can only saw one sakura @ 代官山; but it's dramatic 
  12. 都電荒川線 is nice nice nice
  13. 荒川遊園地 is actually like a 荔園
  14. 親眼目睹炒麵三文治包製作過程
  15. japanese babies are real cute; it's the matter of 血統 really
  16. should stay 吉祥寺 next time
  17. musical instruments store is not that cheap really (aiya)
  18. 高円寺 can really let u stay for a whole day
  19. it's crazy since my japanese frd  who work as a writer can do such variety fields, from magazines to mook,  from nico nico to comic plot
  20. mode off RULEZ
  21. urban research jacket is real nice XDDD
  22. v.v. is the GOD
  23. a.a. 水準下降
  24. smapXsmap 總集編堅好笑
  25. bld gallery... 一定同森山大道有關係
  26. 神保町 is really like a god's place
  27. 親眼目睹一眾重口味怪奇漫畫家真跡, 包括: 丸尾, 根本敬, 仲有寺山修司 D 書 ge 初版!!!
  28. 問心, 真係想買幅根本敬原畫返 HK, 60000 yen ja!!!


At 5月 25, 2012 3:38 下午, Blogger huiyandala said...

go go go... i juz came back from Hokkaido.. nice trip !!

想去就去吧,只要夠vitamin M ,回來還是一條龍!

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