星期四, 3月 18, 2010

ad time


Rabbit Travelogue: Central Region





近年香港的城市景觀急速改變,其生活氛圍已逐漸失去舊有特色,聲音風景的色彩亦正慢慢的消褪。針對公眾普遍只側重於攝影、錄像等視覺上的保育,影像藝術家 許雅舒 (Rita Hui) 與聲音藝術家羅潤庭 (Edwin Lo) 合作發展長期性藝術計劃「Rabbit Travelogue」,並試圖以「Travel」為題,通過影像與聲音,以城市遊歷來表達對香港城市空間的關注。隨著不少中上環的地方被政府列入重建範 圍之內,加上受到皇后碼頭拆卸事件的啟發,由Rabbit Travelogue衍生出來的Rabbit Travelogue: Central Region則是藝術家試圖考察、保育、再重新理解中上環聲音風景的藝術項目。

藝術家以聲音作為最主要的媒介,於中上環以聲音漫步、留聲術等方式作出長時間的聆聽、採集與研究,利用聲音作 為載體呈現藝術家於過去一年在中上環目睹的事件,並以聲音敍述2007年至今日漸消逝的歴史。藝術家在演奏會上將會透過混音及聲音操控把收集到的資料重新 在現場作抽象的演繹,除了立體聲,藝術家試圖以四個喇叭凝造出一個嶄新的空間體驗,重新建構對中上環的聲音想像,藉此闡述另一種聲音所能呈現的感覺。

而錄音經過整理後,將被製成唱片,並在中上環的錄音地點及演奏會當日免費派發,藉此與當地居民分享藝術家的聲 域探索和實驗,以喚起群眾對聲音環境的關注和認知,加深對該地聲音風景的了解,幫助我們重新思考聲音與使用者之間的關係。



生於1984年,羅潤庭是一個聲音藝術家、田野錄音工作者。他畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院,投身於聲音藝術及近場記錄。他早期的作品以錄像為主,現時 多利用電腦和錄音進行各種和聲音有關的創作和實驗,並嘗試建立一套屬於自己的聲音哲理和語言,並探索聲音所代表 的渴望、記憶、經驗、對自身的溝通和聆聽的演進。他的作品更曾於香港、中國、日本、墨西哥等世界各地發表,而他目前則專注於進行由香港藝術發展局所支持的 新苗資助藝術計劃。
如欲了解更多有關羅潤庭的資料,請即登入: http://rabbit-travelogue.com/fragments

ahshun aka bjornho
1984 年生。
如欲了解更多有關何謙信的資料,請即登入: http://www.myspace.com/ahshunakabjornho

活動查詢 (廖小姐):

錄映太奇 Videotage

電話︰(852) 2573 1869








Presented by Videotage

Rabbit Travelogue: Central Region

Multi-channel sound performance by EDWIN LO

Date: 10 April 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Address: 135 Junction Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Artist: Edwin Lo
Opening Guest: Bjorn_Ho


When the streets surrounding us are being disassembled and reconstructed and when those familiar to us have become strange and empty, what is left behind in our memories?

The urban landscape in Hong Kong has been rapidly changed in recent years. Many places have gradually lost their original aura and features, and the colour of the soundscape is fading away with the passage of time. In response to the concentration of visual conservation by the public, video artist Rita Hui and sound artist Edwin Lo collaborate in a long-term artistic project -- ‘Rabbit Travelogue’. The artists attempt to interpret the theme ‘Travel’ and use video, sound and their own journey in the urban area to express their concern towards the urban space in Hong Kong. With lots of places in Central and Sheung Wan as part of the government redevelopment plan, together with the demolition of Queen’s Pier, ‘Rabbit Travelogue: Central Region’ is derived from ‘Rabbit Travelogue’, aiming to explore, conserve and re-understand the soundscape in Central and Sheung Wan.

Using ‘sound’ as the major medium, the artist collected what he had experienced in Central and Sheung Wan and fading history around the area since 2007 through Soundwalk and Phonography in the previous year. In the performance to be held at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, the artist will share an abstract re-interpretation of the collected data through live mixing and sound manipulation. Apart from stereo sound, the artist will also use four speakers, in an attempt to fabricate a new spatial experience of the area, and to articulate an alternative sense of sound to the audience.

In order to share the sound explorations with local residents, the collected sound will be recorded into a CD; and the copies will be distributed for free to the public at the performance venue. The CDs will also be distributed in Central and Sheung Wan where the sound was recorded to arouse the public awareness of the relationship between sound and the environment. The project also aims to deepen our understanding of locational soundscape and lead us to re-experience the relation between sound and the user.


Artist Profile

Edwin Lo
Born in 1984. Edwin Lo is a sound artist, sound designer, field recordist and phonographer form Hong Kong graduated from School of Creative Media (SCM), City University of Hong Kong. The early works of the artist where mainly focused on video; after the second year of studying at SCM, he become more concerned about the issue of sound. Through different experiments on sound - whatever in computer or in the recording process - Edwin Lo tries to develop his own philosophy and language on sound and listening: thinking sound as an object of desire, as haunting memories and experiences, articulation of our consciousness and awareness on listening and the evolution of listening. Edwin Lo’s works were published in various places such as Hong Kong (Lona Records), China (Little Sound), Japan (Niko Edition) and Mexico (Mandorla). He is currently producing his new granted project supported by Hong Kong Art Development Council.
For more information about Edwin Lo, please visit: http://rabbit-travelogue.com/fragments

ahshun aka bjornho
Born in 1984.
Studying in School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.
Childhood in Mong Kok, Growth in West Kowloon, Live in Tai Po.
Sideline for the sound collector.
For more information about Bjorn_Ho, please visit: http://www.myspace.com/ahshunakabjornho

Enquiry (Ms. Liu):


Tel︰(852) 2573 1869

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星期二, 3月 16, 2010

some notes for tvb drama

it's always easy to be smart ass
just try to make fun on the hot issue
or try some metaplay to be 'creative'

still, the content is nth but only emptiness
maybe the theme is sth like an everlasting fact
but when goes into details I can only find some
murmur, or giggles

let's write sth down

while watching tv ad,
i kept transforming the title 'Norwegian Salmon'
into 'Norwegian Wood'



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